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Here you'll find the entire library of video content from the Leading Congregations in Mission Initiative. If you're looking for videos translated into Spanish or videos with captions, click the links provided in the left navigation.
Basic Approaches for Leading During a Time of Transition
A roundtable discussion about what is critically import when leading congregations during times of transition.
Community of Christ Commercial
Based on LCM participants input, we have created a commercial concept that embraces the message of Community of Christ.
This video presents a roundtable discussion about ways to cultivate a culture of prophetic imagination.
Presents a reflective and personal approach for daily use of missional/spiritual practices to see with new eyes.
Missional Practices
This video uses the metaphor of becoming a master chef to using practices for growth in discipleship.
Open Your Eyes
Illustrates how the Mission Prayer can influence your life and the lives you encounter by asking: “Are you awake?”
Scripture Roundtable
Presents a roundtable discussion on scripture as a foundation of missional worship.
The Art of Conversation
A fun-look at what makes a good versus a bad conversation. Filmed at the 2014 International Youth (IYF) rally in Independence, MO
The Cycle
Compares the growth cycle of cultivating soil for the planting and harvesting of seed to the growth cycle in congregational life.
The Long Journey
Presents through wonder filled images a message about mission is a long journey in the same direction.
Tuality Conversation on Missional Practices
An in-depth discussion about the process and journey of the Tuality Congregation in Tigard, Oregon.
Who is Jesus to Me
Presents a variety of persons who share their response to the question, “Who is Jesus to me?”
Worship Roundtable
Presents a roundtable discussion about missional worship.